Добруджански орех

фирма Добруджански орех се занимава с производство и търговия на орехи и орехови ядки. Масло и олио от орехи, листа от орехи и черупки от орехи, лешници гр. Ген. Тошево

Walnut shells are useful for

1. For cleansing blood vessels and removing tumors, cysts and other forms

Smash the shells of 14 walnuts and pour the resulting flour with 1/2 liters of vodka.
The mixture should stay for 7 days. Drink 1 tablespoon fasting at least 10 minutes before eating.

2. For eczema and inflammation

Fill 1/2 pot with walnut shells, pour them with water and cook until a dark color is obtained.
Drain the tea. You should dilute the amount of the decoction with water before treating the affected areas 1:10 – for example 1 tea cup decoction with 10 tea cups of water.
With this mixture, you wash the skin or put a compress.
The rest of the potion is in concentrated form and you should dilute it before use.

3. Against ulcer of duodenum

You collect that part of the walnuts that is in the shell and serves as a separator of the nuts. Take these pieces of 5 walnuts and pour them with 1/2 l of hot water. Cover the pot and leave it for 1 hour to allow the water to extract the beneficial substances from the walnut.
When it cools, mix with fresh milk and drink at night before bedtime when you get up in the morning, fasting in the morning and throughout the day.

4. Against Colitis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid Problems, Stomach and Digestive System Disorders

You collect the same pieces of nuts as in the previous recipe. With them you fill in 1/3 of a glass bottle.
Pour the vodka bottle up to the top and leave it for 20 days.
Drain the resulting extract and pour it into a dark glass bottle.
Drink 1 tablespoon before eating if you suffer from the diseases listed above.

5. Walnut shells soothe the cough

Take 4 walnuts and break them to get a crack in the shell. Without removing the nuts, put them in a cooking pot.
Add 1 spoonful of black elderberry and 1 teaspoon of honey. Pour 1/2 liter of water and boil on slow fire. Once you strain the mixture, you should drink 1 tablespoon before a meal for 1 week.